A very
intricate, complex thing has to be understood: If you are not in love,
you are lonely. If you are in love, really in love, you become alone.
Loneliness is sadness; aloneness is not sadness. Loneliness is a feeling
of incompleteness. You need someone and the needed one is not
available. Loneliness is darkness, with no light in it. A dark house,
waiting and waiting for someone to come and kindle the light.
Aloneness is not
loneliness. Aloneness means the feeling that you are complete. Nobody is
needed, you are enough. And this happens in love. Lovers become alone
-- through love you touch your inner completeness. Love makes you
complete. Lovers share each other, but that is not their need, that is
their overflowing energy.
Two persons who have been
feeling lonely can make a contract, can come together. They are not
lovers, remember. They remain lonely. Now, because of the presence of
the other, they don't feel the loneliness -- that's all. They somehow
deceive themselves. Their love is nothing but a deception to deceive
oneself: I am not lonely -- somebody else is there. Because two lonely
persons are meeting, their loneliness basically is doubled, or even
multiplied. That's what happens ordinarily.
You feel lonely when you
are alone, and when you are in relationship you feel miserable. This is
an everyday observation. When people are lonely they feel lonely, and
they are in a deep search for somebody to be related to. When they are
related to somebody, then misery starts; then they feel it was better to
be lonely -- this is too much. What happens?
Two lonely persons meet
-- that means two gloomy, sad, miserable persons meet. The misery is
multiplied. How can two uglinesses become beautiful? How can two
lonelinesses coming together become completion, totality? Not possible.
They exploit each other, they somehow try to deceive themselves through
the other. But that deception doesn't go far. By the time the honeymoon
is finished, the marriage is also finished. It is very temporary. It is
just an illusion.
Real love is not a search
to go against loneliness. Real love is to transform loneliness into
aloneness. To help the other -- if you love the person, you help him to
be alone. You don't fill him or her. You don't try to complete the other
in some way by your presence. You help the other to be alone, to be so
full out of her or his own being that you will not be a need.
When the person is
totally free, then out of that freedom sharing is possible. Then he
gives much, but not as a need; he gives much, but not as a bargain. He
gives much because he has much. He gives because he enjoys giving.
Lovers are alone, and a real lover never destroys your aloneness. He
will always be totally respectful about the aloneness of the other. It
is sacred. He will not interfere in it, he will not spoil that space.
But ordinarily, lovers,
so-called lovers, are very much afraid of the other and the other's
aloneness, independence; they are very much afraid -- because they think
if the other is independent then they will not be needed, then they
will be discarded. So the woman goes on trying... that the husband
should remain dependent, always in need, so that she can remain
valuable. And the husband goes on trying in every way so that the woman
always remains in need, so that he remains valuable. This is a bargain
and there is continuous conflict, struggle. The struggle is that
everybody needs his freedom.
Love allows freedom; not
only allows, but strengthens freedom. And anything that destroys freedom
is not love. It must be something else. Love and freedom go together,
they are two wings of the same bird. Whenever you see that your love is
going against your freedom, then you are doing something else in the
name of love.
Let this be your
criterion: freedom is the criterion; love gives you freedom, makes you
free, liberates you. And once you are totally yourself, you feel
grateful to the person who has helped you. That gratefulness is almost
religious. You feel in the other person something divine. He has made
you free, or she has made you free, and love has not become a
When love deteriorates it
becomes possessiveness, jealousy, struggle for power, politics,
domination, manipulation -- a thousand and one things, all ugly. When
love soars high, to the purest sky, it is freedom, total freedom. It is
moksha -- it is absolute freedom.
the question: "The ultimate search is individual, but can you explain
the integral part of the beloved in Tantra and the search for our inner
Tantra is purest love.
Tantra is the methodology of purifying love of all its poisons. If you
are in love, the love I am talking about, your very love will help the
other to be integrated. Your very love will become a cementing force for
the other. In your love the other will come together, because your love
will give freedom; and under the shade of your love, under the
protection of your love, the other will start growing.
All growth needs love --
but unconditional love. If love has conditions then growth cannot be
total, because those conditions will come in the way. Love
unconditionally. Don't ask anything in return. Much comes on its own --
that's another thing. Don't be a beggar. In love be an emperor. Just
give it and see what happens... a thousandfold it comes back. But one
has to learn it. Otherwise one remains a miser; one gives a little and
waits for much to come back, and your waiting, your expectation,
destroys the whole beauty of it.
When you are waiting and
expecting, the other feels that you are manipulating. He may say it or
not, but he feels you are manipulating. And wherever you feel
manipulation, one wants to rebel against it -- because it is against the
inner need of the soul, because any demand from the outside
disintegrates you. Any demand from the outside divides you. Any demand
from the outside is a crime against you, because your freedom is
polluted. Then you are no more sacred. You are no more the end -- you
are being used as a means. And the greatest immoral act in the world is
to use somebody as a means.
Each being is an end unto
himself. Love treats you as an end unto yourself. You are not to be
dragged into any expectations. Tantra is the highest form of love.
Tantra is the science, the yoga of love.
So a few things to be
remembered. One: love, but not as a need -- as a sharing. Love, but
don't expect -- give. Love, but remember your love should not become an
imprisonment for the other. Love, but be very careful; you are moving on
sacred ground. You are going into the highest, the purest and holiest
temple. Be alert! Drop all impurities outside the temple. When you love a
person, love the person as if the person is a god, not less than that.
Never love a woman as a woman and never love a man as a man, because if
you love a man as a man your love is going to be very, very ordinary.
Your love is not going to be more than lust. If you love a woman as a
woman, your love is not going to soar very high. Love a woman as a
goddess, then love becomes worship.
In Tantra, the man who is
going to make love to the woman has to worship her for months as a
goddess. He has to visualize in the woman the mother-goddess. When the
visualization has become total, when no lust arises, when seeing the
woman sitting naked before him he simply feels thrilled with a divine
energy, no lust arises, the very form of the woman becomes divine, and
all thoughts stop and only reverence is felt -- then he is allowed to
make love.
It looks a little absurd
and paradoxical. When there is no need to make love, then he is allowed
to make love. When the woman has become a goddess, then he is allowed to
make love -- because now love can soar high, love can become a climax, a
crescendo. Now it will not be of the earth, it will not be of this
world; it will not be of two bodies, it will be of two beings. It will
be a meeting of two existences. Two souls will meet, merge and mingle,
and both will come out of it tremendously alone.
Aloneness means purity.
Aloneness means that you are just yourself and nobody else. Aloneness
means that you are pure gold; just gold and nothing else... just you.
Love makes you alone. Loneliness will disappear, but aloneness will
Loneliness is a state
when you are ill with yourself, bored with yourself, tired of yourself,
and you want to go somewhere and to forget yourself into somebody else.
Aloneness is when you are thrilled just by your being. You are blissful
just by being yourself. You need not go anywhere. Need has disappeared.
You are enough unto yourself. But now, a new thing arises in your being.
You have so much that you cannot contain it. You have to share, you
have to give. And whosoever accepts your gift, you will feel grateful
towards him that he accepted. He could have rejected it.
Lovers feel grateful that
their love has been accepted. They feel thankful, because they were so
full of energy and they needed someone to pour that energy into. When a
flower blooms and releases its fragrance to the winds it feels grateful
to the winds -- the fragrance was growing more and more heavy on it. It
was becoming almost a burden. It was just as if a woman is pregnant and
nine months have passed and the child is not being born, is delaying.
Now she is so much burdened; she wants to share the child with the
world. That is the meaning of birth.
Up to now she has been
carrying the child in herself. It was nobody else's but her own. But now
it is too much; she cannot contain it. It has to be shared; the child
has to be shared with the world. The mother has to drop her miserliness.
Once the child is out of the womb, it is no more only of the mother; by
and by it will go away, and far away. It will become part of the great
world. The same happens when a cloud comes full of rain water ready to
shower, and when it showers, rains, the cloud feels unburdened and happy
and grateful to the thirsty earth because it accepted.
There are two types of
love. One: love when you are feeling lonely -- as a need, you go to the
other. Then love when are not feeling lonely, but alone. In the first
case you go to get something; in the second case you go to give
something. A giver is an emperor.
Tantra is not ordinary love. It has nothing to do with lust. It is the
greatest transformation of lust into love. The ultimate search is
individual -- but love makes you individual. If it doesn't make you
individual, if it tries to make you a slave, then it is not love -- it
is hate pretending love. Pretending to be love, it is hidden hatred just
managing somehow; managing somehow and pretending that it is love.
Love of this type kills,
destroys the individuality. It makes you less of an individual. It pulls
you down. You are not enhanced, you don't become graceful. You are
being pulled into the mud. And everybody starts feeling that he is
settling with something dirty. Love should give you freedom -- never
settle for less. Love should make you a white cloud, completely free, a
wanderer in the sky of freedom, with no roots attached anywhere. Love is
not an attachment; lust is.
Meditation and love are
the two ways to attain to that individuality I am talking about. Both
are very, very deeply related together. In fact they are both aspects of
the same coin: love and meditation.
If you meditate, sooner
or later you will come upon love. If you meditate deeply, sooner or
later you will start feeling a tremendous love arising in you that you
have never known before -- a new quality to your being, a new door
opening. You have become a new flame and you want to share now.
If you love deeply, by
and by you will become aware that your love is becoming more and more
meditative. A subtle quality of silence is entering in you. Thoughts are
disappearing, gaps appearing -- silences. You are touching your own
Love makes you meditative if it is on the right lines.
Meditation makes you loving if it is on the right lines.
And there are only two
types of people in the world, basically: those who will find their
meditation through love, and those who will find their love through
For those who
will find their meditation through love, it is Tantra; that is their
science. For those who will find love through their meditation, for them
it is Yoga; that is their science.
Tantra and Yoga, these
are the only two ways -- basically, very foundational. But both can go
wrong if you don't understand well. And the criterion is -- listen -- if
you meditate and it doesn't become love, know well you have gone wrong
somewhere. And you will find ninety-nine yogis out of a hundred have
gone wrong. The more they enter into their meditation, the more they
become against love. They become, in fact, afraid of love. They start
thinking of love as a distraction. Then their meditation is not real
meditation. A meditation out of which love does not arise is not
meditation at all. It is an escape, not a growth. It is as if a seed has
become afraid of becoming a plant and blossoming in flowers, and has
become afraid of releasing its fragrance to the winds -- a seed has
become a miser.
You will find this type
of yogi all over India. Their meditation has not come to bloom. Their
meditation got constipated somewhere on the way. They are stuck. You
will not find grace on their faces, and you will not find intelligence
in their eyes. You will see around them a certain climate of dullness
and stupidity. You will not find them alert, aware, alive. A certain
deadness... because if you are alive you have to become loving. To avoid
love they avoid life.
And these people will
always be escaping towards the Himalayas, anywhere where they can remain
without others. Their aloneness will not be aloneness, it will be a
loneliness -- you can read it on their faces. They are not happy being
alone. On their faces you will see a certain type of martyrdom -- which
is foolishness! -- as if they have been sacrificing. Ego you will find
there; humbleness, no -- because whenever humbleness comes, love comes.
If the ego becomes too strong, then love can be destroyed completely.
Ego is the opposite of love.
Yoga is in the hands of
the wrong people. And the same happened with Tantra. In the name of
Tantra, people started just fulfilling their lust and sex and their
perversions. It never became meditative. It became a subtle
rationalization of lust, sex and passion. It became a trick; you can
hide behind it. For all sorts of perversions, Tantra became a blanket to
hide behind.
So remember this. Man is
very cunning. He has destroyed Yoga, he has destroyed Tantra. Remain
alert! Both are good, both are tremendously beneficial, but the
criterion to remember is that if you are doing one rightly, the other is
to follow as a shadow. If the other is not following, then you are
wrong somewhere.
Move back, start again.
Go into your mind, analyze your mind. Somewhere you have tricked
yourself. And it is not difficult -- because you can deceive others, but
you cannot deceive yourself. That is impossible. If you just go within
and watch, you will come to know where you have been deceiving. Nobody
can deceive himself; it is impossible. How can you deceive yourself?